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Homeowners: How Data Loggers Can Identify the Causes of Mould & Damp

In most cases the cause of mould is an excess amount of moisture in the property. But how do you know what’s causing the excess moisture? Is it caused by a structural problem or by the tenants? Internal and external issues can both be the culprits. There might be structural damage to the property such as leaking pipes. But, it’s also common for damp to originate from heating and ventilation problems.

Mould fungi is the effect of localised moisture in a specific area. Mould and damp are not only unsightly, but detrimental to health. Taking steps to eradicate mould is in a homeowners’ best interests. Temperature data loggers can help determine the cause of the damp, so that localised moisture can be prevented.

“Atmospheric data logging and surface temperature monitoring provides the evidence to illustrate what is often assumed.” – Stephen Hodgson, Property Care Association Chief Executive

Rising Damp

Moisture is sometimes caused by rising damp from a ground floor level or basement. If you’re measuring the humidity of the ground floor level, it’s also vital to measure the humidity outside. Humidity and temperature data loggers are the best tools to measure the relative humidity. They’re also an effective way of indicating the source of the damp and how long it’ll take for the building to recover.

Poor Maintenance

Mould often occurs when a property has deteriorated due to poor maintenance. Rainwater penetration is often the cause of mould. An initial inspection of roof and gutter areas can show where leaks are getting into the property. If used on a frequent basis, humidity data loggers can help homeowners and landlords find correlating trends and locate the problem.

Inadequate Ventilation

With rising energy prices, tenants and homeowners tend to keep windows shut during colder months. This causes poor ventilation and a build-up of mould-inducing condensation. Assessing properties with humidity data loggers, can save landlords and homeowners money and time. The introduction of wireless data loggers now make it even easier for landlords to assess humidity without disturbing tenants. And if it’s found that damp has been caused by tenants, landlords can give advice to prevent any further damage.

At Loggershop we recommend using the Bosch Shock Supply Chain TDL110 data logger for assessing the cause of mould and damp.  It’s a cost-effective choice that lets users set multi-parameters for temperature and humidity. Its mobile app integration makes it an ideal choice for landlords who want to rapidly review collected data without disturbing tenants.

If you would like to discuss your requirements, get free advice or learn more about the best data loggers for homeowners, please contact our friendly team on 01929 459459 or use our contact form.
